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Setup Programs, Samples, And Utility Software

The ACCES Software Master CD contains setup programs, samples, and utilities for each card, as well as some general utilities useful for most cards. These include:

  • Setup.exe - A Windows setup program to help you configure jumpers and calibrate the card, for those cards with jumpers or calibration.

  • Samples demonstrating how to use the card with:
    • Borland C/C++ 3.1 for DOS
    • C++ Builder, Delphi, VisualBasic 5/6, and Visual C++ 5/6 for Windows
    • for some cards, gcc and g++ under Linux using <sys/io.h>
    • for some cards, LabVIEW under Windows

  • ACCES32 - A Windows .DLL that provides 32-bit Windows software with access to hardware registers. Samples demonstrating its use are also included. It contains many functions to perform register reads and writes. The samples provided provide a simply "debug.exe - lite" capability for Windows NT-based operating systems that is otherwise unavailable due to the kernel layer protections in these OSes.

    The Linux equivalent, ACCESLinux, provides access the hardware via byte-sized, word-sized, and long-sized reads and writes via a kernel module. In addition, programs run as superuser or root can use ioperm() and the I/O functions from <sys/io.h> without any other modules, and we document this.

  • PCIFind.exe - A utility for DOS and Windows to determine PCI bus resources allocated to installed PCI cards. Under Windows, PCIFind.exe builds and maintains a registry key describing installed PCI cards, and under Windows NT4, PCIFind installs ACCES COM cards.

  • pcifind.plx - A PERL script that provides a friendly listing of all our PCI cards in your system, including their base addresses and IRQs. (Without this, you can get this information by entering "/sbin/lspci -vv -d 494f:*" at a command line, which is a much less friendly listing.)

  • Instructions for converting DOS C code to Linux, using either <sys/io.h> or our ACCESLinux Register IO module.

  • BIOS.exe - A sample utility demonstrating how to determine allocated resources at run-time from your own programs in DOS.

  • AIOWDM - A generic interface for PCI card detection and IRQ handling in Windows 98SE / Me / 2000 / XP. Samples demonstrating its use are also included in Delphi, C++ Builder, and Visual C++. (Note: IRQs in near-real-time data acquisition programs require multi-threaded application programming techniques and must be considered an intermediate to advanced programming topic.)

  • Win32IRQ - A generic interface for IRQ handling in Windows 9x / Me / NT4. Source code is provided for the driver, greatly simplifying the creation of custom drivers for specific needs. Samples demonstrating its use are also included in Delphi, C++ Builder, and Visual C++. (Note: IRQs in near-real-time data acquisition programs require multi-threaded application programming techniques and must be considered an intermediate to advanced programming topic.)

  • RISCTerm.exe & WinRISC.exe - Dumb-terminal type communication programs designed for RS422/485 operation under DOS and Windows, respectively. Used primarily with REMOTE ACCES Data Acquisition Pods and our RS422/485 serial communication product line. Can be used to say hello to an installed modem. RISCTerm stands for Really Incredibly Simple Communications TERMinal.

  • Poly.exe - A generic utility to convert a table of data into an nth order polynomial. Useful for calculating linearization polynomial coefficients for thermocouples and other non-linear sensors.

More Software Information:

Drivers And Operating Systems
What drivers and other support we provide for various operating systems.

Redistributing Windows Drivers
A list of ACCES drivers and the files that compose them under different versions of Windows, so you can easily redistribute ACCES cards and drivers.

Custom Software Services
A description of some of our custom software offerings. Did you know we offer free programming services to qualifying customers?
Acquisition, Control, Communication: Engineering and Systems