ACCES I/O Products supports critical infrastructure as defined by the US Department of Homeland Security and will be open during normal business hours 6 AM to 6 PM to serve our customers.
We are here to support you.

Ethernet Products

Use your PCs network or Ethernet connection for a broad range of Ethernet-based I/O. Our products are designed to cover the most common industry applications. Our full selection of analog, digital, and serial I/O products with Ethernet connectivity allows for easy, simple to use data acquisition and control. Configure an IP-address and quickly acquire and output data over your network. Applications include machine monitoring, process control, industrial automation, embedded OEM, and more. Acquire, process, store and share data such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate. Input voltages, 4-20mA signals, RTDs, thermocouples and more can now be used, monitored and controlled from any Ethernet network.

Digital I/O & Relay Ethernet DAQ Products
Products # I/O Buf Prog OPTOs Relays CTRS COS XT RoHS
48 I/OYesYes    Yes
24 I/OYesYes    Yes
ETH-IIRO-1616 In/16 OutYes Yes16 Yes
ETH-IIRO-88 In/8 OutYes Yes8 Yes
ETH-IIRO-44 In/4 OutYes Yes4 Yes
ETH-RO-160 In/16 OutYes Yes16 Yes
ETH-II-1616 In/0 OutYes Yes Yes
ETH-IDIO-1616 In/16 OutYes Yes16 Yes
ETH-IDIO-88 In/8 OutYes Yes8 Yes
ETH-IDIO-44 In/4 OutYes Yes4 Yes
ETH-IDO-160 In/16 OutYes Yes16 Yes
E-RIOD-2424 I/OOpen-CollectorYesOpen-Collector  YesYesYes
E-RDG-2424 I/O Open-CollectorYesOpen-Collector  YesYesYes
E-RDI-5454 In    YesYes
Buf = Buffered I/O   Prog = Programmable I/O   OPTOs = Optically isolated   CTRS = Counters/Timers
XT = extended temperature option COS = Change Of State Detection   = Optionally available RoHS Ready
Ethernet Products
eNET-232-1Single-Port Ethernet-to-Remote RS232 Serial Interface Device
eNET-422-1Single-Port Ethernet-to-Remote RS-422 Serial Interface Device
E-RDAG12-8Eight 12-bit Digital to Analog converters, with 3 voltage ranges and simultaneous 4-20mA current output. Seven bits of open collector I/O
E-RA121612-bit 16-channel Data Acquisition card. This pod supports very flexible range and input types
E-RAD12812-bit A/D, 8 S.E. Inputs, 7 DIO, and compatible with ACCES model AIM-16, LVDT-8, SSH-08 and others
E-RAG128Same as RAD128 in form-factor that is compatible with the ACCES model T-BOX
E-RIDACSRemote Intelligent Data Acquisition and Control Systems for Ethernet use
New Product!
Single-Port Ethernet-to-Remote RS-422/-485 Embeddable / OEM Serial Interface Module
Acquisition, Control, Communication: Engineering and Systems