; ACCESDebug.INF ; Copyright (c) 2014 ACCES I/O Products, Inc. [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Provider = %LongName% ClassGUID = {B85B7C50-6A01-11D2-B841-00C04FAD5171} Class = DAQ ;Middle-endian date format. DriverVer = 06/18/2014, CatalogFile = ACCESDebug.cat ; ================== Class section ================== [ClassInstall32] Addreg=DAQClassReg [DAQClassReg] HKR,,,0,%ClassName% HKR,,Icon,,-5 ; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections =========== [Manufacturer] ; The 64-bit version requires a decorated section, for some reason, but we can still point the 32-bit and 64-bit versions at the same section. %LongName% =Models_CyUSB.NTamd64 %LongName% =Models_CyUSB,NTamd64 [Models_CyUSB.NTamd64] %USB_Debug% =USB_Install, USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613 ; %USB_Corrupt% =USB_Install, USB\VID_&PID_ %USB_Prototype% =USB_Install, USB\VID_1605&PID_0068 ; =================== Function Driver Installation =================== [USB_Install] AddReg = CyUSB.NTKern.AddReg [USB_Install.Services] AddService = CyUSB, 0x00000002, CyUSB.AddService [USB_Install.HW] AddReg = USB_Install_GUID_AddReg [CyUSB.NTKern.AddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CyUSB.sys [CyUSB.AddService] DisplayName = %CyUSB.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %12%\CyUSB.sys LoadOrderGroup = Base [USB_Install_GUID_AddReg] ; HKR,,DriverGUID,,"{AE18AA60-7F6A-11D4-97DD-00010229B959}" HKR,,DriverGUID,,"{D52D27E3-CF76-25EB-72EA-596F2234C0E1}" ; =================== Strings =================== [Strings] LongName = "ACCES I/O Products, Inc." ClassName = "Data Acquisition" USB_DO24 = "USB-DO24 Debug mode (CyUSB)" USB_DIO24 = "USB_DIO24 Debug mode (CyUSB)" USB_DIO24DO12 = "USB-DIO24DO12 Debug mode (CyUSB)" USB_DIO48DO24 = "USB-DIO48DO24 Debug mode (CyUSB)" USB_Debug = "USB Debug Device (CyUSB)" USB_Xerox = "Xerox USB-IIRO4-COM (CyUSB)" USB_Corrupt = "USB Corrupt Device (CyUSB)" USB_Prototype = "ACCES USB Prototype Device (CyUSB)"