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Right Justify @!Bipolar @ Scale %@ Base AddressllPD` P` P   bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP!opdp!dfdP!exdP!txdP!old`bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold` P   j@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP opdp dfdP exdP txdP oldScale %l@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold Channel #bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP!opdp!dfdP!exdP!txdP!old`bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP!opdp!dfdP!exdP!txdP!old`` y`y`` yV P$@P@0P`` y`x`y`V P$@P@0PV P$@P@0P` y` x`y``@ Base Address@ Channel #@! Right Justify @ Scale % @!12-bit` @!Bipolar`  `t`` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ````Outputs voltage on a DAC card. Specify the Base Address of the card and the Channel Number on which to output voltage. Scale Percentage specifies the percentage from -100% to +100% of full voltage to output. Full voltage is configured on the card. Depending on the type of DAC card, specify either Bipolar or Unipolar (true = Bipolar), Right or Left Justify (true = Right Justify), and 12-bit or 16-bit (true = 12-bit).( ҍ$lhҌ8ҌvvppPP\P@ Base Address @ Scale % @!Bipolar@ Channel #@! Right Justify @!12-bit ُ B~~9?n#)orn. 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