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Out Buffer is a two-dimensional array of single types indicating the channel of each point of data and its respective voltage value.E@j +>̌̈ Ƞ    ( (̌b,,...Œ ˆȈ̈,̂΢,,,(( ̈,΢< (,,,̈,,,̢΢, 8̈,, ,  (̀̌΢,,,0 ̌ ,΢< (,,,̈,,,̢.̂Ϋ ƀ Ì̌b,,,,,̂̃Ȉ  < L̪̀̌ƌ ̈ (̈̈( ̈̀J̬B Έ, Έ,Ȉ̀ 򰈈Ȉ̌Ȍ ̌Ȉ̈̈( €  ΢,⪏.̂D̈̈̀ ̈Ȉ̈Ȟ  ̀ ̈ h ̈̀ ̀  J̬B(  *( (̌NHČL⪏.L J̌   ̌ * *(B*ଂΊʊ?xxyxyxyx8?<w<<q9Gs~Q8?>?g#g#q9G#?p>xџ#q?>ϧy|98|ǣ?G81?~|O#q1xÏqq9GO8'?O'|pǟ#|#s~y8?yG8cc1q|8ޏ?>x?"ϟp1? !0~x>Bax?bϟ0ca ?C矏0?'矏8>GD=yy?<?xgxgYLx'yb'yf3x'xτxgxg?x<<<<3>3<<3>̳<<ajT?aj0ZC??p|ϟ !1~yx>Bcx?;c<?O1?q|8ޏ?><O<3 ,p8xyx'p<>?9p gfFffffffffffffffffffffffffffff`+**:::::::::::::::***𨪪  00001?ȮO? 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Pass in the card's Base Address, IRQ number, an array containing all the channels to acquire data from, an array containing the gain values for all channels, the requested rate in Hz, and the number of points to acquire. The return value is the actual rate that will be used.!`BDHPD̍ 8!X!_~|~ @0 ̍ %KF t<d ,  d0=|Tj  =|<~ 8 H 0 00k0,| 0L0k0 0L 0 0 00`0k0 0 T` 00k0 0 \ 0\ 0k00k00@ Pl`X|4 0 ,8 0,8h4 BAlP;x3  0 h0k0 00@H<;[K4 B;;2 0@ (<7KGk?[ 0@4 BT'6;1 d+d 0@ 4 B;3 0 @ 8ŵh4 B8ť ;2 4!4! ! p !0 @0!k0  !0 @!,4! h4!@! 0 !0 P 00!k0 & !0 P 4!l !0!@ | >^N 4! 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