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Out Buffer is a two-dimensional array of single types indicating the channel of each point of data and its respective voltage value.Ekk +>̌̈ Ƞ    ( (̌b,,...Œ ˆȈ̈,̂΢,,,(( ̈,΢< (,,,̈,,,̢΢, 8̈,, ,  (̀̌΢,,,0 ̌ ,΢< (,,,̈,,,̢.̂Ϋ ƀ Ì̌b,,,,,̂̃Ȉ  < L̪̀̌ƌ ̈ (̈̈( ̈̀J̬B Έ, Έ,Ȉ̀ 򰈈Ȉ̌Ȍ ̌Ȉ̈̈( €  ΢,⪏.̂D̈̈̀ ̈Ȉ̈Ȟ  ̀ ̈ h ̈̀ ̀  J̬B(  *( (̌NHČL⪏.L J̌   ̌ * *(B*ଂΊʊ?xxyxyxyx8?<w<<q9Gs~Q8?>?g#g#q9G#?p>xџ#q?>ϧy|98|ǣ?G81?~|O#q1xÏqq9GO8'?O'|pǟ#|#s~y8?yG8cc1q|8ޏ?>x?"ϟp1? !0~x>Bax?bϟ0ca ?C矏0?'矏8>GD=yy?<?xgxgYLx'yb'yf3x'xτxgxg?x<<<<3>3<<3>̳<<ajT?aj0ZC??p|ϟ !1~yx>Bcx?;c<?O1?q|8ޏ?><O<3 ,p8xyx'p<>?9p gfFffffffffffffffffffffffffffff+**:::::::::::::::*** 0? 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Pass in the card's Base Address, IRQ number, and Bus Number (generally zero). Indicate the channel number at which to Start acquisition and to Stop acquisition. The card will loop through the channels continuously until all points have been acquired. To acquire a single channel, set the Start and Stop values to the desired channel. Bipolar and Gain should reflect the settings on the card. Desired Rate specifies the desired sample rate. Since the actual rate is determined by values loaded into the AD12-16(F)'s counters, the actual rate may be slightly different and is returned in Actual Rate. Number of Points specifies the number of points of data that are to be acquired. A Result of 0 indicates success, -1 indicates failure.(2wyF p ,  XpPPP @ Actual Rate (Hz)@ Base Address@IRQ@ Desired Rate (Hz)@ # of Points@ Bus Number @Result @ Gain @!Bipolar @Start @Stop   ُ B~]4qiĀX d \ ks| d/  (  4  < : {  RjkResultMlm0PɍʍೳGainPˠ̠0.00SjwjwBipolarQ=sJ=tJStartMPu]Pv]0P>K>KԳStopMQ^Q^볳0HD BmOBnOHD <=HD .;.;HD XD?? 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All data acquired up until this VI is called are valid. A Result of 0 indicates success, -1 indicates failure.(  d   ,,p&PPP @Result ُ B~r=kG" ( L~ ,ls msH    ̂ h &:   vVIDSAD1216_Stop.viXFunAD1216.dll:AD1216_Stop:C @P AD1216_StopPTH0 AD1216.dll E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenRangeCheck%E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs1\E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs2zE:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs3E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenDefaultProcIvBDHPAD1216_Stop.viXFunAD1216.dll:AD1216_Stop:C @P AD1216_StopPTH0 AD1216.dll%5.0Oldest compatible LabVIEW.PTH0 AD1216.dllFPHPAD1216_Stop.vi0I6@@yـ   8`   8` >s!!rLVINAD1216_Stop.viWDxυxЅ AD1216_StopHD }&E}'EM=i>i0R;Z<ZResulttH  V  d  r MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif0RSRC LVINLBVW*x *X$^ 4RSID