ACCES I/O Products, Inc.

A1216E DLL Driver Documentation


There are five functions exported by this DLL: A1216E_Setup(), A1216E_Go(), A1216E_Status(), A1216E_Stop(), and A1216E_GetData(). Each function is also exported in underscored form(i.e, _A1216E_Setup()); these are equivalent. Each function is also exported in VB form(i.e, VBA1216E_Setup()); these are intended for use from VisualBASIC.


function A1216E_Setup(ulBase: LongWord; ubIRQ: Byte; iReservedA: SmallInt; iReservedB: SmallInt; lpChannelTable: Pointer; ulCTSize: LongWord; lpGainTable: Pointer; ulGTSize: LongWord; var lpdfRate: Double; lNumPoints: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl;

long A1216E_Setup(DWORD ulBase, byte ubIRQ, int iReservedA, int iReservedB, void *lpChannelTable, DWORD ulCTSize, void *lpGainTable, DWORD ulGTSize, double *lpdfRate, long lNumPoints)

Function VBA1216E_Setup(ByVal ulBase As Long, ByVal ubIRQ As Byte, ByVal iReservedA as Integer, ByVal iReservedB As Integer, ByRef lpChannelTable As Any, ByVal ulCTSize As Long, ByRef lpGainTable As Any, ByVal ulGTSize As Long, ByRef lpdfRate As Double, ByVal lNumPoints As Long) As Long


A1216E_Setup() should be called first for each point set to acquire.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns zero.

If it fails, it returns nonzero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().

A1216E_Setup() also provides data via the lpdfRate parameter.


function A1216E_Go: LongInt; cdecl;

long A1216E_Go()

Function VBA1216E_Go() As Long


A1216E_Go() initiates the acquisition of a point set.


This function receives no parameters.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns zero.

If it fails, it returns nonzero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().


function A1216E_Status: LongInt; cdecl;

long A1216E_Status()

Function VBA1216E_Status() As Long


A1216E_Status() can be called to get the number of points yet to be acquired in the point set.


This function receives no parameters.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns the number of points remaining. This value will be zero or greater.

If it fails, it returns a negative value. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().


function A1216E_Stop: LongInt; cdecl;

long A1216E_Stop()

Function VBA1216E_Stop() As Long


A1216E_Stop() ceases point list acquisition.


This function receives no parameters.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns zero.

If it fails, it returns nonzero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().


function A1216E_GetData(lpBuf: Pointer; ulBufSize: DWORD): LongInt; cdecl;

long A1216E_GetData(void *lpBuf, DWORD ulBufSize)


A1216E_GetData() retrieves the point list acquired.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns the number of bytes actually placed in memory.

If it fails, it returns a negative value. To get extended error information, call GetLastError().