Installing ACCES I/O eNET device under QNX Neutrino versions 6.1/6.2.0/6.2.1. 1. You have to run TCP/IP (or tiny TCP/IP) stack on your QNX box in order to useACCES I/O eNET driver. For details please refer to the QNX Neutrino RTOS documentation. 2. Connect your ACCES I/O eNET device to the network switch (or HUB) or directly to the computer. Use cross-over network cable in case of direct connection. 3. Turn on ACCES I/O eNET device. 4. Turn on your computer if it isn't already on and unpack drivers from ser-en.tgz archive. 'devc-tetherserial' is a tiny version of the driver, it does not support some character device features. 5. Should you have to change the network settings of the ACCES I/O eNET device use the web browser (Voyager, Mozilla or any other) to connect. Just type in URL field of your browser, where (factory default) is the previously set IP address of ACCES I/O eNET device. 5a. Instead of web browser you can use telnet session to configure the settings of ACCES I/O eNET device. You will have to enable CRLF processing in QNX telnet to communicate with device (telnet command 'set crlf'). When you will be prompted to enter device mode, type DRIVER mode. 6. Start the driver, for dual ACCES I/O eNET you can use the next example: # devc-etherserial By typing 'use devc-etherserial' in the shell prompt you can get the full list of supported options. Option '-v' is for debugging purposes only and produce error log to 'stderr' stream. You can redirect this stream to log file by adding '2>error.log' into the end of the command line. 7. As soon as the driver is started you can see '/dev/ser-en1' type of devices which represents remote serial port just like a local serial port. You can use 'stty' utility or full range of tc*() family C-functions to control over the remote serial port. 8. If you want to start the driver during system boot and to make the remote eNET ports available for everyone on QNX system, login as root and add the next lines to file /etc/rc.d/rc.local (if you do not have this file, create the file and change mode to 775): /etc/rc.d.rc.local={ #!/bin/sh echo Starting Ether-Serial port driver... if_up -s30 en0 devc-etherserial waitfor /dev/ser-en1 10 echo Done. } Use appropriate network interface name and IP address for your device. ======================================== ACCES I/O Products, Inc. Technical Support November 6, 2005