ACCES I/O eNET driver for Linux kernel 2.4.x 1. Make sure that you have the linux kernel source installed. The kernel source tree is usually under '/usr/src' directory. If you don't have it installed, install the kernel source package from CD/DVD of your Linux distribution. The kernel source files should correspond the kernel version and configuration that your Linux box has running. Also you should have GNU C compiler installed. 2. In home directory make a new subdirectory for ACCES I/O eNET driver. # mkdir esl # cd esl 3. Copy esl.tgz to that directory and unpack it # tar -xzf esl.tgz 4. Run 'make' utility to compile the driver # make 5. Check the 'error.log' file. If it has zero length and there is 'esl.o' file, you have successfully compiled the driver and you can go to step 6. If you have seen error messages from 'make' utility or there are error and/or warning messages in 'error.log' file you can try to figure out what is wrong on your own or send detailed report including all error and warning messages to ACCES I/O technical support team. 6. Install the driver. # make install 7. Try to start the driver # modprobe esl 8. If driver sucessfully started remove it and start it again with parameters corresponding to the network settings you have for ACCES I/O eNET devices. In an example below, assumed there are two dual port ESL units on LAN, first box has IP address and second box has IP, both of them have TCP ports 4098 assigned for Serial 1 and TCP port 4097 for Serial 2. # rmmod esl # insmod esl.o ip=,,, Alternatively you can add the line with parameters to '/etc/modules.conf' file. The line should look like: options esl ip=",,," In this case 'modprobe esl' will start the driver with parameters from modules.conf file. Note1: Factory default IP address is If you don't know IP address of particular box, connect the box to the local network and run 'lsesl' utility. It will print MAC address and IP address of the box. If you have few boxes on network you can distinguish between them by meaning of MAC address (every unit has a label with printed MAC on it). To get detailed help on 'lsesl' utility run 'lsesl -vvvh'. Note2: Connect one box at a time to the local network in order to prevent IP conflicts. Use telnet session or web browser to set up the network parameters of the box. The box should be in "Driver mode" (old firmware can refer to this mode as "Windows driver") to work properly with the driver. 9. Now you can work with remote eNET ports just like with local ones. The only difference is that local serial ports have names /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, etc. and eNET serial ports have names (by default) /dev/ttyES0, /dev/ttyES1, etc. 10. If everything works fine, add the line to some start up script in order to launch the driver on every booting system up. Alternatively you can add the line with alias name to '/etc/module.conf' file, and the kernel will start the driver as soon as any application requests the port. The line should look like: alias char-major-247 esl ======================================== ACCES I/O Products, Inc. Technical Support November 6, 2005