ࡱ>   I"#$%&'()*,-./012346789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ[\]^_Root Entryr3[Workspace State  Browser Editorsample12O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1.dspration: sample1 - Win32 Release--------------------

Command Lines

Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" with contents [ /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Release/sample1.pch" /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puK12O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1.dspration: sample1 - Win32 Release--------------------

Command Lines

Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" with contents [ /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Release/sample1.pch" /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puKMLJL12O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1.dspration: sample1 - Win32 Release--------------------

Command Lines

Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" with contents [ /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Release/sample1.pch" /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puKWorkspace Window"!IPI_sample1+IPI_ 5ClassView Window"?sample1 ClassViewsample1 classessample1 classessample1 classes ResourceViewsample1 resourcessample1 resourcesFileView!Workspace 'sample1': 1 project(s) sample1 files Source Files Header Files sample1 files!Workspace 'sample1': 1 project(s)FileView" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "O:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\dwinters\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP3C.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puK`sample1 - Win32 Release sample1.dspCProjectsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJWd line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puK`sample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 Debugsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJWd line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

Output Window

Compiling... sample1Dlg.cpp Linking...


sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puK CClsFldSlobsample12 Releasesample1 - Win32 Debugsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemsample1 - Win32 Releasesample1 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJWd line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/sample1.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/sample1.exe" .\Release\DetectDialog.obj .\Release\sample1.obj .\Release\sample1Dlg.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\sample1.res .\VCAIOUSB.lib "

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sample1.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) T(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define END_INTERFACE_PART(localClass) } m_x##localClass; friend class X##localClass; #define EXTERN_PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) extern AFX_DATA PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) #define EXT_SNAPINMENUID(id) #define IMPLEMENT_DUAL_ERRORINFO(objectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puKDebuggerJDocumentsV >{,O:\CD\CDA\disks\USBDIO32\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp,} .248>{,O:\CD\CDA\disks\USBDIO32\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp,} .256>{,O:\CD\CDA\disks\USBDIO32\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp,} .232>{,O:\CD\CDA\disks\USBDIO32\Win32\VisualC\sample1Dlg.cpp,} .240@ Control-C@ Control-BreakDatatype MisalignmentAccess Violation In Page ErrorIllegal InstructionArray Bounds ExceededFloat Denormal OperandFloat Divide by ZeroFloat Inexact ResultFloat Invalid OperationFloat OverflowFloat Stack CheckFloat Underflow No Memory%Noncontinuable Exception&Invalid DispositionInteger Divide by ZeroInteger OverflowPrivileged InstructionStack Overflow5 DLL Not FoundBDLL Initialization Failed~mModule Not FoundmProcedure Not FoundInvalid HandlecsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionbtnArraydataWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4 !ectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puKx&8C/C++DETECT_DIALOGO:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\.\sample1Dlg.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6}, 7.\sample1.rc Dialog IDD_SAMPLE1_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},[C/C++DETECT_DIALOGO:\CD\CDA\Disks\USBDIO96\Win32\VisualC\,,.\sample1Dlg.cpp&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:esultFloat Invalid OperationFloat OverflowFloat Stack CheckFloat Underflow No Memory%Noncontinuable Exception&Invalid DispositionInteger Divide by ZeroInteger OverflowPrivileged InstructionStack Overflow5 DLL Not FoundBDLL Initialization Failed~mModule Not FoundmProcedure Not FoundInvalid HandlecsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionbtnArraydataWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4 !ectClass, riidSource) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(class_name, base_class_name) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(class_name, external_name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) #define IMPLEMENT_OLECTLTYPE(class_name, idsUserTypeName, dwOleMisc) #define IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(class_name, tlid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor) #define IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(class_name, base_class_name, wSchema) #define INIT_INTERFACE_PART(theClass, localClass) #define PROCESS_LOCAL(class_name, ident_name) AFX_DATADEF CProcessLocal ident_name; #define PURE = 0 #define SNAPINMENUID(id) #define THIS void #define THIS_ #define TR&Y try { #define CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define AND_CATCH(class_name, e) } catch (class_name * e) { #define END_CATCH } #define CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define AND_CATCH_ALL(e) } catch (CException* e) { #define END_CATCH_ALL } #define BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(x) class __NCB__COLUMN_##x : public COLUMN { #define END_COLUMN_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONTROL_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONTROL_##x : public CONTROL { #define END_CONTROL_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(x) class __NCB__COM_##x : public COM { #define END_COM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP(x) class __NCB__CONNECTIONPOINT_##x : public CONNECTION_POINT { #define END_CONNECTION_POINT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP(x) class __NCB__EXTENSIONSNAPINNODEINFO_##x : public EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO { #define END_EXTENSION_SNAPIN_NODEINFO_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_FILTER_MAP(x) class __NCB__FILTER_##x : public FILTER { #define END_FILTER_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_MSG_MAP(x) class __NCB__MSG_##x : public MSG { #define END_MSG_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(x) class __NCB__OBJECT_##x : public OBJECT { #define END_OBJECT_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(x) class __NCB__PARAM_##x : public PARAM { #define END_PARAM_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROP_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROP_##x : public PROP { #define END_PROP_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPERTY_MAP(x) class __NCB__PROPERTY_##x : public PROPERTY { #define END_PROPERTY_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_PROPPAGE_MAP(x) class __NCB___PROPPAGE_##x : public PROPPAGE { #define END_PROPPAGE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SERVICE_MAP(x) class __NCB__SERVICE_##x : public SERVICE { #define END_SERVICE_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SINK_MAP(x) class __NCB__SINK_##x : public SINK { #define END_SINK_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP(x) class __NCB__SNAPINTOOLBARID_##x : public SNAPINTOOLBARID { #define END_SNAPINTOOLBARID_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_UPDATE_UI_MAP(x) class __NCB__UPDATEUI_##x : public UPDATE_UI { #define END_UPDATE_UI_MAP() }; #define BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(x, num) class __NCB__ACCESSOR_##x : puK