text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Please do not un-tristate anything until you have read and understood these instructions. Note: This device uses thorough hardware handshaking. Input will never work unless /RX_EN is low, and output will never work unless /TX_EN is low. These signals are pulled-up by onboard circuitry. If you are connecting two of our fast DIO units together, it is important to set compatible port directions on BOTH units before untristating the ports. Although this sample program gives you complete flexible control over port directions and tristate, we recommend, if you are connecting a DO unit to a DI unit, to simply click the "Sample Configuration as Input" or "Sample Configuration as Output" buttons at the bottom of this window, to safely achieve a compatible setup, at least initially. If you do not have the fully flexible fast INPUT/OUTPUT model, you will only see the button your model is capable of supporting. We also recommend you spend some time experimenting with the buttons on this program BEFORE plugging a data cable into the unit, so you have an idea how things are related. The "slow-speed" digital bits are shown at the top of this window, labeled Port A through Port D. Please note that Port C and Port D are always configured for oposite I/O direction; that is, if Port C is an input, Port D *must and will* be an output. Also note, the "Fast Port" I/O direction is only selectable on the big-brother I/O capable unit of the model line; you may see this button as non-responsive: if it is "stuck" DOWN, the program has detected you are using an OUTPUT ONLY model. If the button is "stuck" UP, the program has detected an INPUT ONLY model. To toggle an output bit, simply click on the shown "+" or "o"; the program will write to the output bits with the opposite value, then read the ports and display the new data. To see an input bit change, simply ground the input pin at the connector (inputs are pulled-up if not connected to anything, and will read "+") Please note that writing to an input bit will simply be ignored, and using ports while the tristate button is DOWN will result in no effect at the connector pins, but may look strange onscreen. To send a block of high-speed data, type the data in the memo, or click the "Add Sample Data for Output" button, select the data rate via the slider, and click "SEND" To receive a block of high-speed data, simply click Receive on this program (then send data). To keep the sample simple, transmit occurs using the internal clock, and receive occurs using external clock; this means if you have two units connected via a 1-to-1 cable, everything should work flawlessly with just a button click. If you are not connecting two of our units together, you may need to ground the /TX_EN line at the connector and put an oscilloscope on some data pins to see any activity.