аЯрЁБс>ўџ ўџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ§џџџ  ўџџџ ўџџџўџџџI"#$%&'()*ўџџџ,-./01234ўџџџ6789:;<=>ўџџџ@ABCDEFGHўџџџўџџџKLMNOPQRSўџџџUVWXYZ[\]ўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџRoot Entryџџџџџџџџ^ž<•њХўџџџWorkspace State  џџџџBrowserџџџџ EditorџџџџџџџџirqsampFO:\CD\CDA\disks\Tools.win\WIN32IRQ\Generic\samples\visualc\IRQSAMP.DSP copy the item, hold down Ctrl as you drag. res,You can press {InsertIcon} to create a new icon resource. res,You can press {InsertCursor} to create a new cursor resource. txt,When editing, you can use the selection bar to select text. In the space to the left of text, click once to select a line. Ctrl+Click to select the entire contents of the window. dbg,You can easily add variables to the Watch window by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxxpFO:\CD\CDA\disks\Tools.win\WIN32IRQ\Generic\samples\visualc\IRQSAMP.DSP copy the item, hold down Ctrl as you drag. res,You can press {InsertIcon} to create a new icon resource. res,You can press {InsertCursor} to create a new cursor resource. txt,When editing, you can use the selection bar to select text. In the space to the left of text, click once to select a line. Ctrl+Click to select the entire contents of the window. dbg,You can easily add variables to the Watch window by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxxMLJLpFO:\CD\CDA\disks\Tools.win\WIN32IRQ\Generic\samples\visualc\IRQSAMP.DSP copy the item, hold down Ctrl as you drag. res,You can press {InsertIcon} to create a new icon resource. res,You can press {InsertCursor} to create a new cursor resource. txt,When editing, you can use the selection bar to select text. In the space to the left of text, click once to select a line. Ctrl+Click to select the entire contents of the window. dbg,You can easily add variables to the Watch window by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxxWorkspace Window"џџџџџџџџ!IPI_IRQSAMPџџџџџџџџџџџџ+IPI_ џџџџџџџџџџџџ5ClassView Window"џџџџџџџџџџџџ?IRQSAMP ClassViewIRQSAMP classesIRQSAMP classes ResourceViewIRQSAMP resourcesIRQSAMP resourcesFileView!Workspace 'IRQSAMP': 1 project(s) IRQSAMP files Source Files Header Files IRQSAMP files IRQSAMP files ResourceView the space to the left of text, click once to select a line. Ctrl+Click to select the entire contents of the window. dbg,You can easily add variables to the Watch window by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxx`ъIRQSAMP - Win32 Release IRQSAMP.DSPCProjectIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 Release€ъћIRQSAMP - Win32 Debug€ъћSSBR CTargetItemIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWndow by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxx`ъIRQSAMPџџџџџџCProjectIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 Release€ъћIRQSAMP - Win32 Debug€ъћSSBR CTargetItemIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWndow by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxxxџџ CClsFldSlobIRQSAMPџџCProjectIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 Release€ъћIRQSAMP - Win32 Debug€ъћSSBR CTargetItemIRQSAMP - Win32 ReleaseIRQSAMP - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWndow by selecting them in your code and dragging them into the Watch window. txt,The status bar at the bottom of the application frame shows the current line number, column number, editor mode, current time, and other information. bld,You can press Ctrl+Break to stop a build in progress. bld,Using dllimport and dllexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xxDebuggerџџџџџџџџџџџџJDocumentsџџџџTџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ @ Control-C@ Control-Break€Datatype MisalignmentРAccess ViolationР In Page ErrorР No MemoryРIllegal Instruction%РNoncontinuable Exception&РInvalid DispositionŒРArray Bounds ExceededРFloat Denormal OperandŽРFloat Divide by ZeroРFloat Inexact ResultРFloat Invalid Operation‘РFloat Overflow’РFloat Stack Check“РFloat Underflow”РInteger Divide by Zero•РInteger Overflow–РPrivileged Instruction§РStack Overflow5Р DLL Not FoundBРDLL Initialization FailedcsmрMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4ГСexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xx˜C/C++d{Э P8‚<< `8== .\IRQThrd.cpp&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},џџџџџџџџќџџџтџџџ,:Ь–˜C/C++d{Э P8‚<< `88ZZ.\irqsmdlg.cpp&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},џџџџџџџџќџџџтџџџzx7.\IRQSAMP.rc Dialog IDD_IRQSAMP_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},џџџџџџџџќџџџтџџџЌёot FoundBРDLL Initialization FailedcsmрMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4ГСexport with __declspec() is an easy way to manage your DLL's imports and exports without having to use a. DEF file. dbg,You should single-step new or changed code. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugHexadecimalDisplay} to toggle the hexadecimal-display option. dbg,When debugging, you can step over functions by pressing {DebugStepOver}. dbg,When debugging, you can press {DebugQuickWatch} to open the QuickWatch window to evaluate an expression. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateWatchWindow} to display the Watch window. brw,When browsing, you can press {BrowseNext} to go to the next definition. txt,When editing, you can press {LineCut} to delete the current line. res,Since the resource editor "snaps" borders to the controls in place, move the control in the upper left corner to the location before adjusting your borders. This technique avoids unnecessary repositioning of the grid lines. txt,You can find a match for a parenthesis, square bracket, or angle bracket by placing the insertion point on it and pressing {GoToMatchBrace}. twl,When editing, you can press {GoTo} to move to a line, address, or bookmark. dbg,When debugging, you can press {ActivateDisassemblyWindow} to display the Disassembly window. twl,You can select text by holding down Shift and then pressing an arrow key. txt,You can navigate matching #if statements by pressing {ConditionalDown} or {ConditionalUp}. txt,You can scroll through a file when using drag-and-drop editing. Drag the selected item beneath the horizontal ruler or above the horizontal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dal scroll bar. txt,Developer Studio dыы x@fЉФШ„Р д кифјVuqxŽxŽxŽxŽŽuqŽuŽxŽu|xŠv‹ЉІІІІЉІЉЉŒ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЄ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџ‹ўџџўџџЉўџџџend\xx