@ECHO OFF ECHO ACCES I/O Products IF "%1" == "" GOTO INSTRUCT IF "%2" == "" GOTO INSTRUCT IF EXIST ..\DRIVER\%1.OBJ GOTO OBJFound ECHO %1.OBJ was not found! GOTO OUT :OBJFound IF EXIST SAMPLE%2.C GOTO CFound ECHO SAMPLE%2.C was not found! GOTO OUT :CFound ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Building SAMPLE%2 Program... BCC -ml SAMPLE%2.C ..\DRIVER\%1.OBJ ..\DRIVER\SSH0XDRV.OBJ ECHO Done building SAMPLE%2 Program. ECHO Operation completed. GOTO OUT :INSTRUCT ECHO This is a batch file created to assist you in building the included ECHO C sample programs. To use: ECHO Type -- ECHO BUILD cardname samplenumber ECHO where cardname is AD12-8, AIO-8P, AD1216, or AD128G, ECHO and where "samplenumber" is a digit from 0 to 7. For example, some valid ECHO commands would be - ECHO BUILD AD12-8 0 ECHO to build SAMPLE0.EXE from its respective files or ECHO BUILD AIO-8P 4 ECHO to build SAMPLE4.EXE from its files. ECHO. ECHO. ECHO This batch file assumes that you are using the Borland C/C++ compiler, ECHO therefore it expects the BCC.EXE program to be in your path. If you ECHO would rather build the samples with a project file, create one and add ECHO the following files to the project. The files SSH0XDRV.OBJ and ECHO cardname.OBJ MUST be included in the project. The only other file that ECHO need also be included is the sample program itself, for example, ECHO SAMPLE1.C or SAMPLE6.C. If you are using a different compiler, all you ECHO have to do is compile the SAMPLEx.C program, then link in the SSH0XDRV.OBJ ECHO and the cardname.OBJ. ECHO. :OUT