ࡱ>   I"#$%&'()*,-./012346789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ[\]Root EntryN|Workspace State  Browser Editorpciwdg7O:\CD\CDA\disks\PCIWDG\Win32\VisualC\sample1\PCIWDG.DSPVersion=1 LastClass=CPCIWDGDlg LastTemplate=CDialog NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h" NewFileInclude2=#include "pciwdg.h" LastPage=0 ClassCount=3 Class1=CPCIWDGApp Class2=CPCIWDGDlg Class3=WDGThread ResourceCount=1 Resource1=IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG [CLS:CPCIWDGApp] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinApp HeaderFile=PCIWDG.h ImplementationFile=PCIWDG.cpp LastObject=CPCIWDGApp [CLS:CPCIWDGDlg] Type=0 BaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) 7O:\CD\CDA\disks\PCIWDG\Win32\VisualC\sample1\PCIWDG.DSPVersion=1 LastClass=CPCIWDGDlg LastTemplate=CDialog NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h" NewFileInclude2=#include "pciwdg.h" LastPage=0 ClassCount=3 Class1=CPCIWDGApp Class2=CPCIWDGDlg Class3=WDGThread ResourceCount=1 Resource1=IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG [CLS:CPCIWDGApp] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinApp HeaderFile=PCIWDG.h ImplementationFile=PCIWDG.cpp LastObject=CPCIWDGApp [CLS:CPCIWDGDlg] Type=0 BaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) MLJL7O:\CD\CDA\disks\PCIWDG\Win32\VisualC\sample1\PCIWDG.DSPVersion=1 LastClass=CPCIWDGDlg LastTemplate=CDialog NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h" NewFileInclude2=#include "pciwdg.h" LastPage=0 ClassCount=3 Class1=CPCIWDGApp Class2=CPCIWDGDlg Class3=WDGThread ResourceCount=1 Resource1=IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG [CLS:CPCIWDGApp] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinApp HeaderFile=PCIWDG.h ImplementationFile=PCIWDG.cpp LastObject=CPCIWDGApp [CLS:CPCIWDGDlg] Type=0 BaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) Workspace Window"!IPI_PCIWDG+IPI_ 5ClassView Window"?PCIWDG ClassViewPCIWDG classesPCIWDG classes ResourceViewPCIWDG resourcesDialogIDD_PCIWDG_DIALOGIDD_PCIWDG_DIALOGPCIWDG resourcesFileView Workspace 'PCIWDG': 1 project(s) PCIWDG files Source Files PCIWDG files Workspace 'PCIWDG': 1 project(s) ResourceViewass=CWinApp HeaderFile=PCIWDG.h ImplementationFile=PCIWDG.cpp LastObject=CPCIWDGApp [CLS:CPCIWDGDlg] Type=0 BaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) `PCIWDG - Win32 Release PCIWDG.DSPCProjectPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) `IWDG.DSPCProjectPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0)  CClsFldSlobPCIWDGDG.DSPCProjectPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPCIWDG - Win32 ReleasePCIWDG - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWDJWDJWaseClass=CDialog HeaderFile=PWDGDlg.h ImplementationFile=PWDGDLG.CPP [CLS:WDGThread] Type=0 BaseClass=CWinThread HeaderFile=WDGThrd.h ImplementationFile=WDGThrd.cpp [DLG:IDD_PCIWDG_DIALOG] Type=1 Class=CPCIWDGDlg ControlCount=22 Control1=IDOK,button,1342242817 Control2=IDCANCEL,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) DebuggerJDocumentsT @ Control-C@ Control-BreakDatatype MisalignmentAccess Violation In Page Error No MemoryIllegal Instruction%Noncontinuable Exception&Invalid DispositionArray Bounds ExceededFloat Denormal OperandFloat Divide by ZeroFloat Inexact ResultFloat Invalid OperationFloat OverflowFloat Stack CheckFloat UnderflowInteger Divide by ZeroInteger OverflowPrivileged InstructionStack Overflow5 DLL Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0) C/C++PCIWDG_DIALOGU:\AA55\PCIWDG\Win32\VisualC\sample1\PC/HH .\PWDGDlg.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},C/C++PCIWDG_DIALOGU:\AA55\PCIWDG\Win32\VisualC\sample1\PC~$* .\PWDGDLG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},flowInteger Divide by ZeroInteger OverflowPrivileged InstructionStack Overflow5 DLL Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 Control4=IDC_CHECK2,button,1342242819 Control5=IDC_IGNORE,button,1476591625 Control6=IDC_DISABLE,button,1476460553 Control7=IDC_SHUTDOWN,button,1476460553 Control8=IDC_COMBO1,combobox,1344471298 Control9=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1350631552 Control10=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control11=IDC_STATUSBYTE,static,1342312960 Control12=IDC_STATUSLABEL,static,1342312960 Control13=IDC_BASELABEL,static,1342312960 Control14=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control15=IDC_STATIC,button,1342177287 Control16=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control17=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control18=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control19=IDC_LOOPLABEL,static,1342312960 Control20=IDC_IRQ,static,1342308352 Control21=IDC_IRQEDIT,edit,1082196096 Control22=IDC_BASEEDIT,edit,1350631552 .DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; } ( f0 Ȑ$104-AIO12-8 Sample 0MS Sans SerifP}A&Start TestPAE&xitP104-AIO12-8PAPUOutputPn#Base Address for PC/104 CardP {8E3867A3-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}P _F ChannelP nF Channel 0P }F Channel 1P F Channel 2P F Channel 3P F Channel 4P F Channel 5P F Channel 6P F Channel 7Pd_F CountsPdnF ChannelPd}F ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelPdF ChannelP_F VoltsPnF ChannelP}F ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPF ChannelPHex:P2- 0 4VS_VERSION_INFOay"; Testing = true; State = Loop = 0; SetTimer(0, 35, NULL); thread = (WDGThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(WDGThread),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); thread->InitWnd(m_hWnd); thread->ResumeThread(); } else { InPortB(BaseAddr + 6); InPortB(BaseAddr + 7); KillTimer(0); m_TestButton.SetWindowText("&Test"); State = Loop = 0; Testing = false; // thread->Done = true; } UpdateData(false); } void CPCIWDGDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned short readback; switch(State) { case 0: InPortB(BaseAddr+4); // clear any pending interrupts OutPortB(BaseAddr+7,0); // start counters counting State++; break; case 1: CtrMode(1,2); LoadCtr(1,0x10); // keep reloading counter if (++Loop == 100) State++; char text[64]; sprintf(text, " Updating counter 1 ... loop number: %3.3d", Loop); m_LoopLabel = text; break; case 2: readback = InPortB(BaseAddr+4); if ((readback & 0x01) == 0)