PCISACfg PCI-ISA Expansion Kit Configuration Program Readme for version 1.01 (c) Copyright 2001 This program performs the software portion of ISA-on-PCI bus expansion. BASIC USE ---------------------------------------- PCISACfg should run early at every boot, preferrably in Config.sys or Autoexec.bat. Simply insert the following line at the top of your Config.sys: INSTALL=C:\PCI-ISA\PCISACfg.exe Or, add a line at or near the beginning of Autoexec.bat that looks like this: C:\PCI-ISA\PCISACfg (If PCISACfg.exe isn't in C:\PCI-ISA\, substitute its actual location.) ADVANCED USE: /M[ANUAL] ---------------------------------------- By default, addresses for sound cards, DMA controllers, and other common motherboard or legacy resources are left to the host computer. There is also another list of addresses left to the host, configurable in 32-byte blocks with the /M (or /MANUAL) option. ADVANCED USE: /Q[UIET] and /S[ILENT] ---------------------------------------- PCISACfg normally shows a header and confirmation that look something like this: PCISACfg - PCI-ISA Expansion Kit Configuration Program 1.01 PCI-ISA expansion card configured. If there was an error configuring the card, it will show an error message, like this: PCISACfg - PCI-ISA Expansion Kit Configuration Program 1.01 Error: PCI-ISA expansion card not found. This is usually unobtrusive; however, PCISACfg has two modes that suppress these messages. The /Q (or /QUIET) option will display only errors, while the /S (or /SILENT) option will display nothing(unless information is requested as below). ADVANCED USE: /O[LD], /N[EW], and /L[OC] ---------------------------------------- PCISACfg can print additional data for diagnostic purposes. The /O (or /OLD) option prints the bus expansion card's addresses as they were before it ran, the /N (or /NEW) option will print the card's addresses as they are afterward, and the /L (or /LOC) option will print the card's bus, device, and function numbers. ADVANCED USE: TSR ---------------------------------------- TSR is a program that allows the use of IRQs 2-7 on the expansion chassis under DOS, Windows 3.x, or in "DOS boxes" under Windows 9x. It also should run early at every boot, but after PCISACfg. Simply place a line immediately after the PCISACfg call (described under BASIC USE) that looks like this: C:\PCI-ISA\TSR (If TSR.exe isn't in C:\PCI-ISA\, substitute its actual location.) Please note that you cannot share IRQs on the expansion chassis, nor between the expansion chassis and the host computer.