@ f0 ȐSample 1MS Sans SerifPlx:Start TestPx:Exit ProgramPThis sample will generate 3 different wave forms, sine, triangle and saw tooth. The user has the choice of base address, DAC number and the number of points per cycle. @((Curve Selection@ 7HSine Wave@e7HTriangle Wave@7HSawtooth Wave@Z7Status@jTest@zTest@d:Stop TestP(iBoard Information!P?h_!P^hZPAChoose which PCI-DA card you wish to use:P_Choose the DAC number you wish to output to: 0 4VS_VERSION_INFO?bStringFileInfo>040904B0 CompanyNameZFileDescriptionSample 1 MFC Application6 FileVersion1, 0, 0, 12 InternalNameSample 1JLegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2002(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenameSample 1.EXEJProductNameSample 1 Application: ProductVersion1, 0, 0, 1DVarFileInfo$Translation  f0 0123456789ABCDEF 0 ( @̏̏̏LLLLLDLLDDLLLDDDLLDDDLLLDDLDDDLLDDDDLDLDLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD( 0 (   LLDDDDDDD@DDDDD@DDD" 0  (