ࡱ>   I"#$%&'()*,-./012346789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ[\]Root EntryX QWorkspace State  Browser Editorpai12161U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\PAI1216.DSP(-)U*4+E,|,$ .\PAI1216.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},7.\PAI1216.rc Dialog IDD_PAI1216_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},1C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$<@ @ .\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 61U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\PAI1216.DSP(-)U*4+E,|,$ .\PAI1216.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},7.\PAI1216.rc Dialog IDD_PAI1216_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},1C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$<@ @ .\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 MLJL61U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\PAI1216.DSP(-)U*4+E,|,$ .\PAI1216.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},7.\PAI1216.rc Dialog IDD_PAI1216_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},1C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$<@ @ .\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 Workspace Window"!IPI_PAI1216+IPI_ 5ClassView Window"?PAI1216 ClassViewPAI1216 classesPAI1216 classes ResourceViewPAI1216 resourcesPAI1216 resourcesFileView!Workspace 'PAI1216': 1 project(s) PAI1216 files Source Files Header Files AI1216Dg.cpp AI1216Dg.cpp!Workspace 'PAI1216': 1 project(s)FileView12E2},1C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$<@ @ .\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 `PAI1216 - WIN32 RELEASE PAI1216.DSPCProjectPAI1216 - WIN32 RELEASEPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR acces32.hCDependencyFileSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJW\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 `AI1216.DSPCProjectPAI1216 - WIN32 RELEASEPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR acces32.hCDependencyFileSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJW\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4  CClsFldSlobPAI1216216.DSPCProjectPAI1216 - WIN32 RELEASEPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR CTargetItemPAI1216 - Win32 ReleasePAI1216 - Win32 DebugSSBR Source Files CProjGroupSSBRDJW Header Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWResource Files CProjGroupSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBRDJWdepCDependencyContainerSSBR acces32.hCDependencyFileSSBR basetsd.hCDependencyFileSSBRDJWDJWDJW\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 DebuggerJDocumentsT @ Control-C@ Control-BreakDatatype MisalignmentAccess Violation In Page Error No MemoryIllegal Instruction%Noncontinuable Exception&Invalid DispositionArray Bounds ExceededFloat Denormal OperandFloat Divide by ZeroFloat Inexact ResultFloat Invalid OperationFloat OverflowFloat Stack CheckFloat UnderflowInteger Divide by ZeroInteger OverflowPrivileged InstructionStack Overflow5 DLL Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4 C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$ .\PAI1216.h&{2AE27A3D-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},7.\PAI1216.rc Dialog IDD_PAI1216_DIALOG [English (U.S.)]&{34866984-49EB-11CF-BF46-00AA004C12E2},1C/C++$% &L(-)U*4+E,|,$<@ @ .\AI1216DG.CPP&{2AE27A3C-17F5-11D0-AF1B-00A0C90F9DE6},,:x Not FoundBDLL Initialization FailedcsmMicrosoft C++ ExceptionWatch1Watch2Watch3Watch4DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/PAI1216.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c "U:\AA55\PCIAI12\Win32\VisualC\PAI1216\StdAfx.cpp" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\nathan\LOCALS~1\Temp\RSP12.tmp" Creating command line "link.exe /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/PAI1216.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/PAI1216.exe" .\Release\AI1216Dg.obj .\Release\PAI1216.obj .\Release\StdAfx.obj .\Release\PAI1216.res .\VCACCES.lib "

Output Window

Compiling resources... Compiling... StdAfx.cpp Compiling... AI1216Dg.cpp PAI1216.cpp Generating Code... Linking... LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF


PAI1216.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) ` X z  r     ??\EJs=QEJs=QV&d ,V& ,dN ,dq44,$,$,$44d,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$}}C,$},$},$},$},~f(  y m b 5  &o I ` q  ;d 1 f{ { A Z        . 39     b f    "    U 4  , `xx6@ qss 7@ rxx6@ sww6@ tuu6@ utt6@ vvv4@ w}}V5@ x85@ y4@ z4@ {~~5@ |4 n7 a6 5 b8 H7 4 88 O7 9 D8 5 4