RSRC LVINLBVW`8 @|DTHPD88t{~pd@P @@  AI1216_Setup@&@ Actual Rate (Hz)&@ Desired Rate (Hz)"@ Base Address@IRQ*@@ Range Array(@@ Channel Array@ # of Points@@y@Bus Type@ Bus Number  @Result"@! "A" Version?@f@!s@t8TTdtd,,TtTTT||,TT(d(dH\ppHHp @FPHPDl{88?~Ԍlta&t|.'.9FD<dXL p,7|@P @|(\ 4 t@Pj> ( ($<X4 B j+/p/0  +j>/4  2 -r<0s@ : @+c4jppl@ : 4c>jookH 2 .l:r00/.-0, @2@Pw Bx|(0Hd4 B ~/r0  ~/4  2 0lp@ 2 @w~ppl@ 2 w~ookH 2 /0/.-0@P ( "|<(< @ p4 B /r0  /4  2 0r@P 8~ @4H 2 00/.-4 B@ /s0 @ /4  2@ 0q@ 2@ @ppl@ 2@  ookH 2@ 00/.-0 @F (  X   |T0 4 B / t4  2 0D&@ 2 @~ppl@ 2 @ppl@ 2 ookH 2 00/.-@ 2 ~ook0  /0  $H Rhx @< 0p$ 8 |H R8yb pLL  <|$  D4 B  8G/$t4  r KZ04s@ P r B4K{Z PA@ 2  @K{Rppl@ 2  R{Zook0 W  Iy[/( t 40 _ KZ/0 U  IbG4 JL =L/dp0 s  L_4 2L N]0`p@ 2L @LUppl@P L_@ZH 2L O[00/.-0 L L_/0t `@ 2L U_ook|4 B h hw/(s4  r z0pr@P 2 hB4zz A@ 2 @zzppl@ 2 zook0 W h xx/(h(0 _ z/0 U h xG4 J@ l{/Hs0 s h {4 2@ }0 t@ 2@ @{ppl@P h{ @H 2@ ~00/.-0 @ {/0  h@ 2@ ook@P|4#@h| (H,4 Bh  /8p0 h !4/4  2h #20$p0"hz @ 2h @!*ppl@ 2h *4ookH 2h $000/.-h      8 (  8  | @P8i,@|(<p 4 B\ i/8/0 \ i/4  2\ k0k@ :\ @b ippl@ :\  biookH :\ kq00/.-0-\4O=0| ,4 Ch=/p0.h X hiihjj<  ( 8|8< 8| 8 (  ?;Handles the setup of the AD12-8 driver. Pass in the card's Base Address, IRQ number, an array containing all the channels to acquire data from, an array containing the gain values for all channels, the requested rate in Hz, and the number of points to acquire. The return value is the actual rate that will be used.+BDHPD8++~Ԍl(t%')[<d,)`)4*0)RTj  RxXL 0 0 0k0,| 0L0k0 0L 0 0 00`0k0 0 8` 00k0 0 \ 0\ 0k00k00@ Pl`X|4D$ 0 , 0,h4 BAlP1p 0 h0k0 00@<;[K4 B;1Ts0@D (<7KGk?[ 0@<LD4 B-<1,r4 B<(K710p4 B0;1$s0@ 8T6F>4 BT'6 1xp0 @ 4 B1'0!@ L4! 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"A" Version?@ Actual Rate (Hz) @Result@ Desired Rate (Hz)@ # of Points@ Base Address@@ Range Array@@ Channel Array@ Bus Number@IRQppPG` P    P   t@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP opdp dfdP exdP txdP oldActual Rate (Hz)` P   bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold P    PbP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold`t@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP opdp dfdP exdP txdP oldDesired Rate (Hz)n@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold # of Points4 P@@@`4 P@@@ P@P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP@opdp@dfdP@exdP@txdP@old Channel Array P   @P4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP@opdp@dfdP@exdP@txdP@old Gain Array P   bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPold` P   bP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfPopdpdfdPexdPtxdPoldbP4@P @flags@opRights@ execOnlyFlagsudfP!opdp!dfdP!exdP!txdP!old``y `f`t`@ Desired Rate (Hz)@ Base Address @IRQ`@ Bus Number @@ Channel Array@@ Range Array@ # of Points`@! "A" Version?`` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ``h``Handles the setup of the PCI-AI12-16 driver. Pass in the card's Base Address, IRQ number, and Bus Number (generally zero). Each element of Channel Array should specify a channel number that is to be acquired. Channel Array must be terminated with -1. Each element of Range Array should specify the range value for its respective channel. The default range value for all channels is zero. Desired Rate specifies the desired sample rate. Since the actual rate is determined by values loaded into the PCI-AI12-16's counters, the actual rate may be slightly different and is returned in Actual Rate. Number of Points specifies the number of points of data that are to be acquired. If Number of Points is greater than the number of channels in Channel Array, Channel Array will loop until all points have been acquired. "A" Version indicates whether the card is the PCI-AI12-16A. A Result of 0 indicates success, -1 indicates failure.( <wyF|,|ppPPP @ Actual Rate (Hz)@ Base Address@IRQ@ Desired Rate (Hz)@ # of Points@@ Channel Array@@ Range Array@ Bus Number @Result@! "A" Version?  ُ B~#\5)N-r;hS@ pX'ؒ |AI1216_Setup.vi81}|N>K>K MO\O\0Wiviv Range ArrayM{{0Nmzmz M~~0V Bus NumberM$1$10RjkResultMlm0X<< "A" Version?HD`BmOBnOHD<=HDԒ.;.;HD@)L6)M6XD:: AI1216_SetupHD(5 (5 HDm HD8 HDw?zw@zMD!'"'yMD& &2VD$$ Array SizeVD   Array SizeTDcpcpBus TypeMDuu5HDA`B`HDܒQ,^jQ-^jMDkux|kvx|0MD[yh}[zh}fMDXue|Xve|1MDHyU}HzU}tFPHPAI1216_Setup.viMLYLY0Y9F9F Channel ArrayM0PTH0 AI1216.dllBDHPAI1216_Setup.viXFunAI1216.dll:AI1216_Setup:C01@P @@  AI1216_SetupPTH0 AI1216.dllW # of PointsM0OIRQVIDSAI1216_Setup.viXFunAI1216.dll:AI1216_Setup:Cx1@P @@  AI1216_SetupPTH0 AI1216.dll E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenRangeCheck%E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs1\E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs2zE:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenCopyProcs3E:\lv45\lvsource\gencode.cGenDefaultProcIP0.00%5.0Oldest compatible LabVIEW.]Desired Rate (Hz)b1LIDADbqDIDI1   8`   8` yEEyAAALVINAI1216_Setup.viM0X Base AddressP.s;.t;0.00\k*l*Actual Rate (Hz)tH  V  d  r MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif0RSRC LVINLBVW`8 @P 4RSID