(C)LABTECH EMI V1.21: ACCES Erro Demo 3chh6b=WINTNUM is not set. Be sure that the link DDK_INTNUM=X, where X is the hex interrupt number, has been added to your LTN.CNF file.The TSR DDK driver is not loaded, not found, or attemps to use the wrong interrupt number. Also be sure that the DDK_INTNUM=X has been added to your LTN.CNF file, where X = hex interrupt number.DDK version errordNo End-Of-Conversion was received at initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly.2End-Of-Conversion Signal Timeout Error during run./Pulse Output Frequency is Invalid/Out-of-Range.dNo End-Of-Conversion was received at initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly.2End-Of-Conversion Signal Timeout Error during run./Pulse Output Frequency is Invalid/Out-of-Range.dNo End-Of-Conversion was received at initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly./Pulse Output Frequency is Invalid/Out-of-Range.fCounter 0 is busy. CTR0 is available for only one operation at a time. (Count, Frequency, or Pulse)0Invalid DAC number. Possible Error in .TPL file[No Card was detected during initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly.%Frequency is Invalid or Out-of-Range.MCTR-05 Card is already installed. Only one card can be installed at a time.AAn attempt was made to perform a digital output to an input port.BAn attempt was made to perform a digital read from an output port.jNo Card was detected at Base Address during initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly.jNo Card was detected at Base Address during initialization. Please confirm Base Address is set correctly.2DL/DDK demo - Unsupported channel type. type = %d.