FBHF{& [ THelpTopicThis context sensitive help was made available through the assistance of the TVDEMO program, Borland International, and Seang Y. Chau  ;Setup Program constants ][ THelpTopicSelect an item from the main menu. A short description of what the item does is on the lower right hand corner of the screen. ][ THelpTopic3 Options Base Address The Base Address command under the Options menu will guide you through the process of selecting an appropriate I/O port base address for your I/O card. ][ THelpTopic- Options IRQ Level The IOD-24 has the ability to generate an interrupt. The IRQ Level selection option under Options menu will guide you through the process of configuring your IOD-24 to generate the interrupt signal you require. ][ THelpTopic/ Options Wait State This menu item shows where to install the jumper to enable the Wait State feature. Wait State should be enabled if the host computer's clock speed is 8Mhz or more. This will assert one wait state when the card is addressed. ][ THelpTopic' Options Slot 8 This menu item shows where to install the jumper for the Slot 8 feature. Install this jumper when the card is located in a short slot of the host computer. ][ THelpTopic; Options Interrupt Enable This menu item shows you where to set the jumpers so that interrupts are always enabled (IEN), programmable (INP), or disabled. ][ THelpTopic# Options Exit HThe Exit command terminates the application and returns control to DOS. ][ THelpTopicExit option 2 ][ THelpTopic Help menu!!! ][ THelpTopic About When you choose the About option from the menu, a dialog box appears showing the setup program's copyright and version information.  To view the help index: ! Press Enter, or Click Help  To close the dialog box: # Press ESC, or Click Continue ][ THelpTopic HelpHelp The Help option of the Help menu will present you with an index of important help topics which will help you learn about how to use this setup program. These topics include: How things are set up How to get around with the keyboard How to get around with a mouse Using controls How to use this program How to get technical support ][ THelpTopicI HelpHow to get Technical Support dThis menu selection will present you with the details about contacting technical support personnel. ][ THelpTopic My menu bar ][ THelpTopic Credits When you select the Credits option under the menu, a dialog box appears presenting the program author's name and listing any specific tools that were used to write the setup program.  To close the dialog box:  Press ESC, or Click Ok ][ THelpTopicA dummy help window ][ THelpIndex [@Z`5? ] []