Client API

To install the client, simply copy AIOETHW.dll next to the program that will use it, or to the 32-bit system directory.

The general sequence to use it is:

If the connection fails during operation, a new connection can be swapped in, like this:


function AEW_Connect(Host: PChar; Index: LongInt): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_Connect(char *Host, signed long Index);

AEW_Connect() connects to the specified host device. It returns a client reference (like a handle) that represents the connection, or zero on a failure.

Host can be an IP address in dotted decimal string form (like ""), a DNS name (like ""), or a name in the HOSTS file (like "localhost").

Index is normally 0. This connects to port 51936; other values are reserved for future expansion.

The returned client reference is opaque — just a 4-byte value that you pass to the other AEW_* APIs when dealing with that connection. While this is similar to a handle, it doesn't work with any handle-specific APIs, like GetHandleInformation() or CloseHandle(). On a failure, the returned reference will be zero, and the associated Windows error code can be retrieved via GetLastError(). Error codes include:

The server does allow more than one client to connect to a single device. This feature is intended for recovery from network problems, but does allow (for example) two programs to connect, one that writes data and one that checks status.


function AEW_Disconnect(uClientRef: LongWord): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_Disconnect(unsigned long uClientRef);

AEW_Disconnect() disconnects a client reference, closing the connection and cleaning up any memory used. After being passed to AEW_Disconnect(), the client reference is invalid.


function AEW_SetTimeout(uClientRef: LongWord; TimeoutMS: LongInt): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_SetTimeout(unsigned long uClientRef, signed long TimeoutMS);

AEW_SetTimeout() sets the inter-receive timeout for reply packets. This is a client setting, and thus setting it doesn't involve network traffic.

TimeoutMS is the new timeout, in milliseconds. The default for a new connection is 2000.

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (equal to zero) on success, or another Windows error code on failure. Error codes include:


function AEW_ChangeNetworking(uClientRef: LongWord; NewIP, NewSubnet, NewGateway: PChar): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_ChangeNetworking(unsigned long uClientRef, char *NewIP, char *NewSubnet, char *NewGateway);

AEW_ChangeNetworking() changes the device's IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address. This change takes effect immediately; the device will close its end of the connection, so on success you should disconnect with AEW_Disconnect(). After a short time you can connect to the new IP with AEW_Connect().

NewIP is the new IP address in dotted decimal string form (like "").

NewSubnet is the new subnet mask in dotted decimal string form (like "").

NewGateway is the new gateway IP address in dotted decimal string form (like "").

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (equal to zero) on success, or another Windows error code on failure. Error codes include:


function AEW_ChangeDeviceIP(uClientRef: LongWord; NewIP: PChar): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_ChangeDeviceIP(unsigned long uClientRef, char *NewIP);

AEW_ChangeDeviceIP() is similar to AEW_ChangeNetworking(), except it only changes the IP address.


function AEW_ChangeSubnet(uClientRef: LongWord; NewSubnet: PChar): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_ChangeSubnet(unsigned long uClientRef, char *NewSubnet);

AEW_ChangeSubnet() is similar to AEW_ChangeNetworking(), except it only changes the subnet mask.


function AEW_ChangeGateway(uClientRef: LongWord; NewGateway: PChar): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_ChangeGateway(unsigned long uClientRef, char *NewGateway);

AEW_ChangeGateway() is similar to AEW_ChangeNetworking(), except it only changes the gateway IP address.


function AEW_GetStatus(uClientRef: LongWord; pStatusBytes: PLongInt; pStatus: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_GetStatus(unsigned long uClientRef, signed long *pStatusBytes, unsigned char *pStatus);

AEW_GetStatus() reads the device's status block.

pStatusBytes is a pointer to a variable that holds the size of the buffer to read into, in bytes. On return, this variable will be set to the number of status bytes read.

pStatus is a pointer to the buffer to read into.

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (equal to zero) on success, or another Windows error code on failure. Error codes include:


function AEW_DIO_WriteAll(uClientRef: LongWord; pDataBytes: PLongInt; pData: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_DIO_WriteAll(unsigned long uClientRef, signed long *pDataBytes, unsigned char *pData);

AEW_DIO_WriteAll() writes to all the DIO.

pDataBytes is a pointer to a variable that holds the size of the buffer to write from, in bytes. On return, this variable will be set to the amount of data written. For the ETH-DO-8, the variable should always be 1.

pData is a pointer to the buffer to write from.

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (equal to zero) on success, or another Windows error code on failure. Error codes include:


function AEW_DIO_ReadAll(uClientRef: LongWord; pDataBytes: PLongInt; pData: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external 'AIOETHW.dll'; __declspec(dllimport) unsigned long AEW_DIO_ReadAll(unsigned long uClientRef, signed long *pDataBytes, unsigned char *pData);

AEW_DIO_ReadAll() reads from all the DIO.

pDataBytes is a pointer to a variable that holds the size of the buffer to read to, in bytes. On return, this variable will be set to the amount of data read. For the ETH-DO-8, the variable should always be 1.

pData is a pointer to the buffer to read to.

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (equal to zero) on success, or another Windows error code on failure. Error codes include:

Packet Structure

A packet is a byte-lengthed string; the first byte is the length(in bytes) of the body. A packet's body consists of a 4-byte ASCII type and zero or more bytes of payload.

Defined packet types are as follows:

ChNWM>SChange network settings.IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address, each in 4-byte big-endian format. For example, C0 A8 01 AE FF FF FF 00 C0 A8 01 01 for,, and Device should reply with W_OK or _Err.
ChIPM>SChange IP address.4-byte big-endian IP address. For example, C0 A8 01 AE for Device should reply with W_OK or _Err.
ChSNM>SChange subnet mask.4-byte big-endian subnet mask. For example, FF FF FF 00 for Device should reply with W_OK or _Err.
ChGWM>SChange gateway IP address.4-byte big-endian gateway IP address. For example, C0 A8 01 01 for Device should reply with W_OK or _Err.
RStaM>SRead status.No payload defined at this time. Device should reply with R_OK or _Err.
RADIM>SRead "all" DIO data.No payload defined at this time. Device should reply with R_OK or _Err.
RPDIReserved for reading partial DIO data.
WADOM>SWrite "all" DIO data.1-byte length of DIO data, then DIO data. For example, 01 A5 to set bits 0, 2, 5, and 7 high and the rest low on the first byte of DIO. Device should reply with W_OK or _Err.
WPDOReserved for writing partial DIO data.
W_OKS>MWrite succeeded.1-byte length of written data. For example, 01 to indicate success of a 1-byte write.
R_OKS>MRead succeeded.1-byte length of read data, then read data. For example, 03 42 49 4F to read 42h, 49h, and 4Fh.
_ErrS>MTransaction failed.4-byte little-endian Windows error code. For example, 42 00 00 00 for ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE, indicating read from a write-only device or vice versa.