ÿÌ,![Setupbox &'ÿHardware Setup Ìø B#ÿÿÿÿ$Form35 6Ì78ø ÿ!Command1ÿOK€DTtÿI€ Label1ÿ' 2) The DIFF/SE jumper set to SE. x°ÌüÿM€Label1ÿ+The program expects the following settings:xÐDüÿL€Label1ÿ* 1) The base address set to 300 hex.xÀÌüÿ]€Label1ÿ;of the AD8-16. Each channel is scaled to read +/- 5 volts.x¤ÌüÿZ€Label1ÿ8This program will display the input from the 16 channelsx´Ìüÿ2ü__   ÐPÐP²‚Zu¦›l’²Command1_ClickForm3 Form_Load Label1_ClickIndexConvertSetupbox ; ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿCommand1_Click0 XZ ¦9 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿý