__   PPwXe}3moNnuBmUFZX wConvertMaincard AD128_Initconfig$BaseAddrAD128_ShutdownRangeForm1xLabel15text[X]Text1Label2Caption form1_Label2conv_Startboxfoo GetWinFlagsO DriverErrork ErrorCodeMB_OKMB_ICONEXCLAMATION ErrorString1Varient AD128_AddPointsAD128_SetPointConfigCURVETDEGREESCCURVE_tNO_CURVEAD128_SetSettleTimeymanual BIPOLAR_5AD128_PollScan?AD128_PostProcessBuffer[0]y[16]OutStrthecounters error_codeAD128_RateGeneratorperform: conversionsscan ofpoints AD128_IRQScanAD128_DisableCounterCDisableWaitprocessLcompletecountAAD128_IRQStatusscansconvseCouldother instructionshererequired functionswaitingAbetterwaythan(thisuseWindowsmessage supportedcbyRdriverSee  referencepart7detailslTIMEOUT0ShutoffTTIMER AD128_SuccessZendoenddoAboutboxLoad;v Global variables x v@Conversion flag, 1 = conversion in process, 0 = no conversions mv$card number returned by the driver  DriverError0X3B" n, Error code: B J####2 n n0n AD12-8 Driver& B79 Main06Xe  B0 @ 1P :` 5 N cex   u B BE B$3vZ Setup the channels in the driver, channel 0 is a reference junction , with 0 gain code,v^ channel 1 is a type t thermocouple with a gain code of 5(gain = 200) and the other channelsvQ are set to measure voltage by setting the scaling facters to -5.0 and 5.0. Alltv! temperatures are in degrees C.sv* Setup channel 0 as a reference junction   B BE B$3v) Setup channel 1 as type t thermocouplea   B BE. B$3v/ Setup channels 2 thru 15 as voltage channels @@ B BE B$3v& Add the 16 points to the point list B BE B$3v- Set the AIM-16 sample-and-hold settle time,2 B BE B$3 ex(1 Iv Set the counters,@@y Bv0 Perform the conversions, 1 scan of 16 points. B AEZ 7 B BI$ B$3$ $ Bv2 Disable Counters1$ B$U8v Wait for process to completer  1 : 1 : }1l$  $ 1 : B$vF Could put other instructions here to perform any required functions$vG while waiting. A better way than this is to use the Windows message$vH function supported by this driver function. See the reference part of$v the manual for details. */ J }E  Bv Shut off counters B B$v Post process resultse5  B BE* B$3v display conversions >$ 5n ###0.0000 N$ N $ N 8J9 W