FBHF2[ THelpTopic][ THelpTopic% (System) Menu sWhen you pull down the menu, you will see a list of options detailing information specific to the setup program. ][ THelpTopic About When you choose the About option from the menu, a dialog box appears showing the setup program's copyright and version information.  To view the help index: ! Press Enter, or Click Help  To close the dialog box: # Press ESC, or Click Continue ][ THelpTopic Credits When you select the Credits option under the menu, a dialog box appears presenting the program author's name and listing any specific tools that were used to write the setup program.  To close the dialog box:  Press ESC, or Click Ok ][ THelpTopic Help Menu WThis command brings up the Help menu, which provides access to the online help system. a Online helps comes up in a special Help window. The text in the Help Window is a "help screen". ][ THelpTopic HelpHelp The Help option of the Help menu will present you with an index of important help topics which will help you learn about how to use this setup program. These topics include: How things are set up How to get around with the keyboard How to get around with a mouse Using controls How to use this program How to get technical support ][ THelpTopicI HelpHow to get Technical Support }This menu selection will present you with the details about contacting ACCES I/O Products, Inc. technical support personnel. ][ THelpTopic Options Menu The Options menu will present you with the configuration options that you may choose to set for your particular I/O card. Please step through each of the options which pertain to your card to insure that your card is configured as you desire. / Configuration options for the A1216E include: + Base address Interrupt level Single ended/Differential input A/D Input Range AIM-16 Compatibility D/A Converter options Polarity D/A Range Two's complement values ][ THelpTopic3 Options Base Address The Base Address command under the Options menu will guide you through the process of selecting an appropriate I/O port base address for your I/O card. ][ THelpTopic- Options IRQ Level 2The A1216E has the ability to generate an interrupt when one of the input channels experiences a change of state. The IRQ Level selection option under Options menu will guide you through the process of configuring your A1216E to generate the interrupt signal you require whenever a change of state occurs. ][ THelpTopic Options Single Ended/Differential This dialog allows you to choose between sixteen single ended channels or eight differential channels. Differential channels allow for greater accuracy. ][ THelpTopic4 Options AIM16 Compatibility This dialog lets you choose whether you want the pinout of the connector to be compatible with the Analog Input Multiplexer 16 (AIM-16). The AIM-16 allows for 16 additional channels per A/D channel, with each channel at a different gain. ][ THelpTopic Options DAC Options This menu item allows the configuration of the DACs' polarity, output range, and two's complement operation. This dialog only shows modifications for one DAC, you must also configure the other DAC in the same manner. ][ THelpTopic Options DAC Polarity This allows the selection of either unipolar or bipolar operation of the D/A converters. ][ THelpTopicv Options DAC Range This menu item allows you to configure the operation range of the DACs. ][ THelpTopic Options A/D Range This menu item allows you to select the range which the A/D converter will operate at. ][ THelpTopic Options Two's Complement This allows you to select whether values written to the DACs will be in signed integer format, or two's complement. ][ THelpTopic1 Options Calibration This menu has two submenus which allow you to calibrate certain aspects of the A1216E card. It allows you to calibrate the zero and span for the two DACs and the zero, span, and reference for the ADC. ][ THelpTopic5 Options D/A Converter This menu item allows for the calibration of the on-board D/A converter. It allows for the zero and span calibration of the D/A chip. You are led through the entire process of calibrating the D/A converter.  To use this calibration procedure, the DACs cannot be in 2's complement mode and must be in the unipolar mode, with a range of 5 volts. ][ THelpTopic5 Options A/D Converter This dialog allows you to calibrate the on-board A/D converter. The four steps include calibration of unipolar and bipolar zero, span, and the A/D reference voltage. o In order for the calibration steps to work, the card must be in single-ended, bipolar mode, with a gain of 1. ][ THelpTopic# Options Exit HThe Exit command terminates the application and returns control to DOS. ][ THelpTopic3 Base Address Selection In order for communication to be established between your I/O card and its host computer, the I/O card must be assigned a base I/O port address. The setup program scans your system to determine which port addresses are currently available, and it presents you with a list of I/O ports and their availablity status. Scroll through this list using the arrow keys or mouse and select an available address, then configure your card's address switch to match the switch settings in the diagram. ][ THelpTopic9 Interrupt Level Selection The A1216E has the ability to generate an interrupt when one of the input channels experiences a change of state. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to select the IRQ signal you require whenever a state change is detected, then install the appropriate jumper as illustrated in the diagram. ][ THelpTopic' Ŀ [ Ok ] q If you select this button, the selections that you've made in the dialog box are recorded by the setup program. H If this is the default button, you need only press Enter to choose it. ][ THelpTopic- Ŀ [Cancel] _ If you select this button, nothing changes and no action occurs but the dialog box is closed. g ESC is always the keyboard shortcut for the Cancel button, even if the Cancle button does not appear. ][ THelpTopic][ THelpTopic][ THelpTopicG 16-Channel, 12-bit Setup Program  Welcome to the setup program for the 16-channel, 12-bit A/D card. This program will help guide you through the process of setting up your card. Menus are accessed by pressing Alt-'Z', where Z is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "Options" menu is pulled down by Alt-O. 7 Begin this program with the card out of the computer to configure the Base Address, IRQ, Input type, Range, AIM-16 Compatibility, and D/A Converter by setting the jumpers manually. Then, turn of the computer, put your card in the machine and run the setup program again to calibrate the A/D and D/A Converter. ) Press ESC to put this help screen away. ][ THelpIndexv ;*? $ <aO+]aO+]A?P]